
UNESCO Open Educational Resources (OER) Dynamic Coalition Portal

This Portal aims to support knowledge exchange and collaboration on the activities of the OER Dynamic Coalition in the framework of the 2019 UNESCO Recommendation on OER.  The principles of openness, accessibility and multilingualism, reflected in the UNESCO Recommendation on OER are key to the exchanges on this Portal. 

Our mission is clear: to support the implementation of the UNESCO 2019 Recommendation on OER. Through advocacy, knowledge sharing, and capacity development, we empower stakeholders across all action areas outlined in the Recommendation, particularly Members States and institutions. But our ultimate goal is even greater – to unleash the potential of OER for digital learning and ensure universal access to information for all by supporting and providing stakeholders with specific tools in order to help them implement the UNESCO Recommendation on OER. 

The main objectives of the UNESCO OER Dynamic Coalition are to: 

  1. Support the exchange of knowledge on ongoing activities -  to raise the level of understanding on ongoing OER projects, networks, resources, and activities; and    
  2. Facilitate moderated collaboration on OER activities related to the five areas of Action of the OER Recommendation.

Who we are

OER Dynamic Coalition

As OER Dynamic Coalition, we bring together stakeholders from Member States, including from Ministries responsible for Education and/or Communication and Information Technologies, National Commissions to UNESCO, educational institutions and bodies, cultural institutions (including libraries, archives and museums),  Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs), UNESCO Category 2 Centres, specialised institutions, civil society and the private sector.

In March 2023, the UNESCO OER Dynamic Coalition was recognized as an official Dynamic Coalition of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) - a global multistakeholder platform established by the UN Secretary General to facilitate the discussion of public policy issues pertaining to the Internet. As proud members of the IGF, we are committed to promoting OER adoption and usage, while building the capacity to access and utilize OER in line with the Global Digital Compact.

 For more information about the IGF Dynamic Coalitions, please click here!

